Networking Pathway Development Training Announced

Schools that offer only basic digital literacy or word processing application courses should consider implementing a networking pathway program of study. While everyone needs to know how to use technology, those that have skills that enable others to use technology will have more opportunities for high-paying jobs.  All information and data we rely on today
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Chicago Public Schools Make Computer Science a Graduation Requirement

After many years implementing Exploring Computer Science (ECS) curriculum in Chicago schools, the Chicago Public Schools announced this week that computer science will be a graduation requirement for all students. This is the first school district in the country to elevate computer science as a core requirement for high school, separate from math and science. ECS
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National Computer Science Framework Review Launched!

Pat Yongpradit, Chief Academic Officer for, invites educators to review the first draft of the national K-12 computer science framework. As interest and growth in K-12 computer science grows, the framework will help answer a common question: What do students need to know and be able to do in K-12 computer science? In California we
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