Free Workshop on Designing Integrated Curriculum

The Napa County Office of Education California Career Pathways Trust Technical Assistance Project, in partnership with California Department of Education, recently announced free training for teachers and instructional coaches on the subject of integrated curriculum. Joy Soares, a Staff Development and Curriculum Specialist with Tulare County Office of Education, will provide the training. At the
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Integrating Global Competencies into CTE Programs – New Pilot Course

One promising way in which students can learn about and apply global competencies is through Career and Technical Education (CTE). With an anchor in preparing students for the careers of their choice and a focus on the critical academic, technical, and employability skills needed for success, CTE offers a natural platform on which to build
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K-12 and Community College Articulation

Earlier this week State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson praised the appointment of Eloy Ortiz Oakley as the new Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, the largest public higher education system in the nation. “Eloy is a fantastic choice to lead our great network of community colleges,” said Torlakson. “He is a terrific leader
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Curriculum to Close the Math Achievement Gap

Professor Harry Cheng, the developer and leader of the UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (C-STEM), has developed innovative curriculum that integrates academic and career technical subjects. Using Cheng’s approach, students learn how to integrate computer programming as well as logical and critical thinking skills. The results have shown significant potential in
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