A Telescope for Victor… A Christmas Story!

This is to share a story of how teachers and business partners worked together this Christmas season to show love to a student in a meaningful way.  The story starts with a letter sent to Cecilia Bogran, a reporter from Univision, who then reached out to John Santos, a teacher from Augustus Hawkins High School
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Awesome Mobile Hackathon in San Francisco

Last month, 125 low-income youth from under-represented groups in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) from around Oakland, California became developers of technology rather than just consumers at the Level the Coding Field Hackathon. Working through a curriculum grounded in design thinking and mobile app development, 25 teams of five students in the 6-12th grades
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Pathways to Prosperity Institutes Call for Collaboration

This is to report on the first of three Pathways to Prosperity Institutes (Institute) that was launched yesterday in Sacramento under the auspices of the California Department of Education (CDE), the California Community Colleges, the California Workforce Investment Board and the Pathways to Prosperity Network. These organizations showed strong united leadership to promote effective Career
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Great Response to Hour of Code

Special thanks to all the teachers and administrators who took time to introduce students to coding during the recent Hour of Code week. The campaign brought attention to the need for all students to understand computational thinking and will help bring attention to education policy and decision makers on the need to make computer science
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