Foshay Tech Academy Responds to Hour of Code

Every student in the Foshay Tech Academy  – and a large percentage of all students at Foshay in grades in K-12 – have completed the Hour of Code <> challenge. The goal is to get 10 million students to code for an hour this week – the site is now up to nearly 9 million
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Zynga Volunteers teach Game Design to San Francisco Students!

This is to share with you a great example of a successful business/school partnership around game design. Zynga is located in San Francisco and recently met with teachers at Balboa High School’s Academy of Information Technology to plan, design and pitch a new game.     See the video here: Volunteers from the online social game
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Best of the Web and Digital Education Competition

The Center for Digital Education recently announced nominations are now open for the annual Digital Education Achievement and Best of the Web Awards. Entries are due May 1, 2013. Best of the Web Awards: The Best of the Web (BOW) Awards recognize and honor outstanding education websites. The contest is open to all U.S. education
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ICT Video Resources for the Classroom Teacher

Below is a list exceptional and inspirational videos about careers and education in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) career sector. Classroom teachers may use these videos in the classroom to show how Information and Communication Technologies are used every day in a number of career settings. Information and Communication Technologies Studying to be a Computer Technician Juniper Networks:
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