What Students Need To Know in the 21st Century

There is widespread consensus that our educational systems are failing to adequately prepare all students with essential 21st century knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in life, career and citizenship. This concenses is driving the new focus on “college and career” preparation and the blending of academic and career standards in “career academy” courses. Given
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Making Room on the Schedule for College and Career Courses

I’m writing today to share with you an example of how the New San Juan High School made room for both college and career courses using an eight period alternating block schedule. In many schools it has been difficult to make room on the schedule for career-focused courses that would benefit students by making school
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Postsecondary Pathways – Where Do Your Students Go To College?

One way to ensure the success of your students who decide to go on to college is to make sure the instruction you provide is aligned with the curriculum at the college they will attend. Many of the Information Technology careers require some college. Alignment Guide The League for Innovation in the Community College has
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Trends in Career Technical Education

Two Information Technology (IT) Sector “Champions” John Bjerke (CISCO) and Bill Cullifer (WOW) were keynote speakers at the 21st Annual CTE Conference held by CALCP/CAROCP. John, who is the Western Region Area Academy Manager for CISCO Networking Academies (13 States, including California) gave a national overview of IT trends, IT Sector employment opportunities, and how public/private
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