I recommend all high schools adopt the Exploring Computer Science (ECS) course. This particular course is exceptional because it provides a foundation for all students to develop the skill and knowledge to become effective users of 21st century technologies. ECS is an excellent “gateway” course for students who are interested in the Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) careers found in the high-paying Information and Communications Technologies Sector.
Here is why I recommend this course:
Reasons for adopting Exploring Computer Science
Instruction that Reaches All Students
ECS offers high schools a “college and career solution” to engage underrepresented populations and to promote social equity awareness for students who are not in underrepresented populations.
Curriculum That Is Tested and Effective
ECS is a year-long course, consisting of six units. ECS is designed to introduce students to the foundational, creative, collaborative, interdisciplinary, and problem-solving nature of computer science. The full curriculum is free. ECS asks adopters to implement the first four units as written to ensure integrity, and allows flexibility in selection of the last two units: The course scope and sequence is:
1) Human Computer Interaction
2) Problem Solving
3) Web Design
4) Programming
5) Computing and Data Analysis
5) Robotics
Promotes College and Career Readiness
ECS is a perfect “foundational” course for all students to prepare for college and careers by learning 21st Century skills. ECS provides engaging activities to foster project and team collaboration skills, and has the rigor to prepare students for advanced placement computer science instruction.
Teacher Support
Teachers report they enjoy this course and find the daily lesson plans helpful. There is a Ning support network for teachers of ECS.
Clearly Standards Aligned
SRI International has released drafts of the alignment of ECS to a various standards, including: Common Core, Next Generation Science and Engineering, CSTA, ISTE NETS-S, California State, and Illinois State. Their next task is CA CTE model standards.
May be Eligible for Federal Funding
The Exploring Computer Science course can receive federal Perkins IV funding if it is offered as an elective, included in an approved sequence of courses, taught by a teacher with the appropriate credential, and industry experience in computer technology.
May Satisfy a Graduation Requirement
If authorized by the local governing board, all students to may elect to take an introductory computer course that has a CTE focus, like Exploring Computer Science, and satisfy a graduation requirement. For more information on high school graduation requirements, visit: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/gs/hs/hsgrmin.asp.