The University of California Curriculum Integration Institute (UCCI) has announced the Spring Institute will be held April 10-13, 2014 at the Hyatt SFO in Burlingame. The UCCI Institutes’ purpose is to bring teachers together to develop new model integrated courses designed for UC “a-g” approval — meaning they satisfy UC’s “a-g” subject requirements for freshman admission. All approved UCCI courses can be found in the UCCI course catalog. (Teachers who are preparing to teach UCCI courses can find support through UCCI’s Teacher Exchange.)
Teachers of academic subjects and CTE are invited to apply now on the UCCI website. The Spring 2014 UCCI Institutes will include a focus on courses that integrate the Information & Communication Technologies CTE industry sector with English (“b”) or math (“c”). The deadline to apply is February 7, 2014.
- All participants receive a $300 stipend and 2.5 Continuing Education Units from UCLA Extension for their work at the UCCI Institutes.
- UCCI covers the cost of lodging and working meals for all participants throughout the entire four days of the Institutes.
- UCCI reimburses schools/districts for substitute costs of $125 per teacher per day (a total of $250 per teacher) for the two workdays that fall during the Institutes.
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